Alaska #3

by Robert Fawcett
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Comments (9)

Joni Eskridge
Gorgeous capture Robert. Alaska is a wonderful place to photograph. We took the train between Anchorage and Fairbanks and Fairbanks and Seward. I really enjoyed the train ride, but would love to get a chance to drive the highway and stop for shots like this. Well done!
Robert Fawcett replied:
Thank you very much Joni !! :) It's always great to drive the highways and shoot along the way. Especially in this great wide open wilderness, but one must be ever careful and vigilant ! :)

Linda Howes
Lucky you Robert! It's on my bucket list. Really beautiful shot Robert! l/f
Robert Fawcett replied:
Thanks so much Linda !! :) Caution ! one of those places that's hard to leave !! :)

Randy Scherkenbach
Congratulations, this outstanding photograph is being Featured on the home page of the 'Photography Only - Landscapes and Landmarks' group. Thank you for your participation and helping us to be one of the most active groups on FAA. Please continue to post your excellent work in the group.

Randy Scherkenbach
Congratulations, this outstanding photograph is being Featured on the home page of the 'Photography Only - Landscapes and Landmarks' group. Thank you for your participation and helping us to be one of the most active groups on FAA. Please continue to post your excellent work in the group.